Art Journaling

Creating Your Visual Journal

Let's begin our creative adventure.  Here is a list of supplies that you can choose from, I have included several items so you can have a variety of items to choose from.  
Paper- There are many brands of paper Canson, Arches, Stratmore and many more.  140lb (300 gs) Cold Press has a texture or tooth and Hot Press has a smooth surface used for more detailed work.
Brushes-  Round Brush #8, #4. Flat Brush #6, Dagger Brush 3/8" Sponge brush for wetting paper.
Small Spray Bottle - Find mist, used to wet your paints and paper.
Small Hair Dryer- You will use the cool or warm setting, this will help dry the layers of paint.
HB or 2B Graphite Pencil, Eraser, sharpener
Ruler - I like using the clear ruler
Drawing Gum (masking)-   This is used to mask off areas of your painting to keep it white and then you remove it after painting is done.  You can use a small round brush or a masking tool.  Clean both throughly after you use it.
Paints-  Her are several brands of paint, what ever your preference is.  
                  Tube Paint-  this is my favorite style of watercolor, you can add a small dab on to a rising tray and when you are done let it      
                                              dry and then when you are ready to use them again.
                  Pan Set-  These sets are great to travel with.
                  Liquid Watercolor
You can also use Gouache, Acrylic, and Ink these can all be used  on the same painting.
Watercolor Pencils
This is just some of the fun art supplies that you can use and there are even more.  Watch the introduction video below and watch for up coming videos.