New Season, New Time

Through music, art, journaling, and studying you will discover
who Jesus Christ is to you and you to Him.

In the beginning was the Word...

Engaging with the Word is the beginning in growing a relationship with Jesus Christ.  His Word will bring wholeness to your life - emotionally, spiritually and physically.
Journaling as you read His Word is a creative worship to Him and drawing you closer to who He is to you and you to Him.
For we are God's masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.  Ephesians 2:10 NLT
God has put within all of us a way to express who He is to us, it can be through writing, music, and art.  You can find that expression by trying simple ideas to open those areas up in you, no matter your age or skill level.  Explore the different lessons that we have put together.


Here you find teaching series and prayer room recordings

Gathering Times

Sundays 10:00am
Other Times TBA